May 8, 2018- When Worlds Collide: Real Estate Crashing into CRTs, CGAs, and Other Planned Gifts

May 8, 2018 @ 11:30 am – 1:00 pm
Community Cancer Center
407 E Vernon Ave. Normal
IL 61761
Members: $15 Guests: $20
Hilary Secord

The transfer of real estate often creates confusion and even fear. Planning and preparation make it possible to accept real estate profitably, and without tears. Knowing how real estate transfer works and what the implications are for different gift vehicles gives a charity a path to profitable real estate transactions. Proper preparation and planning provide a path to possibly profitable properties.

Robert M. Shafis, JD Territorial Director of Planned Giving The Salvation Army Robert has been a successful fundraiser, attorney and speaker for over 30 years!

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